“Aik Chuban Si” unfolds the story of a once blissful marriage tarnished by the unsolicited arrival of an outsider. Naila is living the most flawless and perfect married life with Haroon filled with all the love and warmth that one desires. Naila, being a kind and compassionate woman, extends her care to her family members too, including her uncle and cousin, Maheen, whom she holds dear. Maheen, on the other hand, is envious and covets a life filled with wealth and luxury, longing for the perfect marriage Naila enjoys. When her uncle dies from a heart attack, Maheen is left alone and entirely dependent on Naila.

Naila, unaware of the impending turmoil, decides to become Maheen’s chaperone and brings her into her home. What starts as an act of compassion soon spirals into chaos as Maheen’s presence begins to unravel the fabric of Naila’s life. The once harmonious household is now the battleground of betrayal and envy.

With each episode, audiences are poised on the edge of their seats, eager to witness the intricate layers of betrayal, love, and resistance woven in the story. Will Naila’s compassionate gesture ultimately lead to her downfall? Or will the strength of love and trust prevail? Tune in to “Aik Chuban Si” every Monday at 8 pm on HUM TV to find out.

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