Drama serial Dagh-e-Dil revolves around the intertwined past and present of two families. Hashim and Mahnoor belong to the two families from different strata, whose fates are tangled long before their birth. Mahnoor’s family live in a feudal land called Nawab Shah. The two characters fall in love during their time in the city, unaware of their familial ties.
When the two decide to make their ties official and come up to their families about their love regardless of the social differences, an enormous blow from the past tarnishes the thread of their love. Revelations of events on Hashim change his disposition completely and he becomes bitter for revenge and justice. Asad Siddiqui has faultlessly played the character of Hashim. With his acting prowess and untainted talent, he displayed the accurate expressions and performance for all the emotions his character goes through.
The diverse ensemble of cast for Dagh-e-Dil includes Asad Siddiqui, Nawal Saeed, Naveen Waqar, Gohar Mumtaz, Hassan Niazi, Saleem Sheikh, Lubna Aslam, Tara Mahmood, Natasha Ali, Khalid Bin Shaheen, Ayesha Khan , Sidra Parveen, Sunil Shanker, Syeda Anusha, Sehrish, Ilma Jafri & Others. The gripping story is written by Sadia Akhtar, and the series is directed by Syed Asim Ali, produced under the banner of Momina Duraid Productions.
The series juxtaposes the past and present, where events from the past, that are affecting the life of present generation. Nawal Saeed plays the role of Mahnoor, with her gorgeous features and innocent demeanor, she flawlessly aligns with the character. The story unwinds as the love-interest of Hashim and Mahnoor stands on the conduit of telling their families about their relation. A shadow from the past is also looming in the story. So will their love be favored by the families ? or they’ll face a destiny that is eclipsed by the haunting past they are unaware of? Watch the unravelling of a events in Dagh-e-Dill, Monday to Friday 9pm only on HUM TV.