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Tinkay Ka Sahara Finale – Strive for Redemption

Moeeza Arshad April 3, 2023


A story presenting two worlds in a parallel frame, that also intersect later, revolves around Qadar and Duriya, where their yearning for love and money respectively leads to unforeseen vocations for both. Sonya Hussyn’s performance as Qadar in “Tinkay Ka Sahara” was widely praised by critics and viewers alike, who appreciated her ability to bring depth and nuance to the character. Qadar is depicted as a kind and compassionate individual who always puts others before herself, even if it means sacrificing her own desires. However, Duriya is solely focused on finding an affluent man and settling down. But When tragedies strike both of their lives, the glass castles in their minds and hearts begin to crumble.

Despite encountering numerous challenges and obstacles in her life, Qadar remains optimistic and dedicated to achieving her objectives. Despite her blood relatives failing her, and her marriage to a man who lacks respect in his own household and is financially dependent on his family, she perseveres and strives to create a brighter future for her new family. However, fate has different plans, and her difficulties only continue to mount.

Sami khan

As her path interweaves with Wasay in a tragic incident, her world turns upside down, taking him down with it. Duriya’s struggle to save her husband and bring her life back to normalcy takes her to the doors of Qadar and Hammad’s mother. The story continues to intensify as it proceeds towards the end, with each character perplexed and altering, fighting a battle within themselves.

Sonya Hussain

What makes the show so impeccable is the strength of the character of Qadar, who regardless of all the turmoil in her life, continues to be an icon of persistence and grace. She continues to strive for her future and for those she cares about, Concurrently, Wasay’s guilt and conscience keep making his existence miserable, and his urge for salvation keeps dragging him to Hammad’s family. Will Wasay ever find peace, and will Qadar discover everlasting happiness?

The show reaches its climax in the last episode of “Tinkay Ka Sahara,” where all questions will be answered. Tune in tonight at 8 pm only on HUM TV.

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