Excitement is building as the highly anticipated cinematic journey, “Nayab,” is set to transfix audiences worldwide on February 2nd, 2024. Directed by the talented Umair Nasir Ali and internationally distributed by HUM Films, this film promises to take viewers on a heartwarming adventure. Against the dynamic backdrop of Karachi, the narrative unfolds, weaving together the tender bond between Nayab and Zain. In a city where cricket transcends mere sport, becoming a lifeline, “Nayab” explores the dreams, drama, and unbreakable ties of family, promising a cinematic experience that resonates deeply with its audience.
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Under the executive producers David Kenney and Agness Kenney, and the dedicated team of producers Rumina Umair, Umair Irfani, Kenneyz Films, and Num Films, “Nayab” is poised to be a visual and emotional spectacle. The film stars the talented Yumna Zaidi in the role of Nayab, accompanied by Usama Khan portraying the character of Zain. As the countdown to the international release begins, fans and cinema enthusiasts alike can anticipate a delightful onscreen pairing, promising to leave a lasting impact through its compelling storytelling and stellar performances. Get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of “Nayab” as it unfolds on screens around the world.