In a heartwarming display of sisterly camaraderie, Aiman and Minal, the new moms on the block, recently shared an adorable peek from their shared journey into motherhood. The inseparable duo captured a delightful moment at a family event, holding their precious bundles of joy.
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Minal Khan took to social media to immortalize the moment with a sweet caption: “Always late to the party.” The picture radiates joy as the new moms embrace their newfound roles with smiles that speak volumes. Just a few days prior, Aiman had given a glimpse into their mommy duties, sharing another snapshot of the two sisters standing proudly by their newborns’ prams at an event. With a touch of humor, Aiman’s caption playfully revealed, “Mommy duties. Thank God I was not alone.”
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The sisters’ genuine bond and shared experiences in navigating the challenges of motherhood have undoubtedly become a source of inspiration for their fans, fostering a sense of connection and warmth within their extended online family.